爱尔兰幻术师、感应大师及魔术师Keith Barry,在节目中大展读心及植入想法进而影响他人行为的本领,引人入胜。 来自爱尔兰的Keith Barry,是幻术师兼感应大师及魔术师,也是2009 年国际魔术师学会颁发的「年度感应大师」最高荣誉梅林奖得主,还被封为拉斯维加斯09 年最佳魔术师。他曾主持《Close Encounters with Keith Barry》、《Keith Barry : Extraordinary》等结合读心及魔术的节目,于新节目《看穿读心术》(Deception with Keith Barry),他就展示其如何靠密切观察一个人的肢体语言、呼吸方式,以及细微的眼部动作,即能看穿实验对象的心思,甚至影响对方的行为。
1 "South Island" July 18, 2011Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a plane and parachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country's highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just so
The competition kicks off with a super-sized episode in which nine teams of pastry chefs and cake artists are tasked to craft massive, spellbinding edible showpieces inspired by moments and themes from the Harry Potter saga. Each week, the culinary artist