故事发生在全洛杉矶最有名的律师事务所之中。每年,这间事务所都要从茫茫的法律学院毕业生中挑选最出色的四位,将他们培养成为能够真正独当一面的大律师。 迪伦(马特·朗 Matt Long 饰)没有显赫的出身,却凭借着自己聪慧的头脑和不懈的努力跻身进入了四人名单之中。艾迪(蒂娜·米乔里诺 Tina Majorino 饰)样貌甜美,却有着和外貌极不相称的咄咄逼人的口才。贝斯(丽亚·派普斯 Leah Pipes 饰)从小到大都是优等生和乖乖女,而连姆(本·洛森 Ben Lawson 饰)拥有着和他的故乡截然相反的一丝不苟的个性。四个初出茅庐的新人律师,要面对的是他们的顶头上司,业内知名的“黑暗王子”克里夫(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane 饰)。
The series is based on Antonia Murphy’s unpublished memoir about an American woman who opened an ethical escort agency in New Zealand after the country decriminalized sex work. Murphy’s company aimed to protect women’s rights, well-being and financial ind
Witness protection is often glamorised as keeping innocent witnesses safe from harm but the truth is darker, murkier, and far more complex. Many protected people are themselves criminals. It’s a life of moral compromise. It also involves maximum secrecy,
eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a