CBS过去宣布直接预订13集动作冒险剧《血宝藏 Blood & Treasure》,这部预定19年夏季档播出的新剧由Matt Federman及Stephen Scaia执笔,剧中讲述一个聪明的古董专家Danny与一个狡猾的艺术品窃贼Lexi联手,合作追捕一个无情﹑以盗宝再转卖的方式资助自己进行攻击袭击的恐怖分子。然而当二人穿越各地追踪目标时,他们意外发现自己正身处「文明摇篮」那长达2000年历史的战争中。 Sofia Pernas饰演女主Lexi Vaziri,她是个热情﹑爱冒险﹑迷人的女子,过去她为了反抗古董商老爸及沉闷的寄宿学校,摇身一变成了世界级的艺术品窃贼;然而她父亲死于恐怖分子的袭击后,Lexi决心以自己的才能及对地下社会的认识来追捕恐怖分子并为父亲报仇。 Matt Barr饰演男主Danny,机智聪明的他可谓是个天生调查员,有着道德指南的Danny在FBI精英部门「Arts and Antiquities」中追查各被恐怖份子用作资助的艺术品。作为队中新星的他因一次失败而无法原谅自己,不过他终于看到救赎的机会……问题是这代表他得与罪犯Lexi合作起来。
The series is based on Antonia Murphy’s unpublished memoir about an American woman who opened an ethical escort agency in New Zealand after the country decriminalized sex work. Murphy’s company aimed to protect women’s rights, well-being and financial ind
Witness protection is often glamorised as keeping innocent witnesses safe from harm but the truth is darker, murkier, and far more complex. Many protected people are themselves criminals. It’s a life of moral compromise. It also involves maximum secrecy,
eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a