一年前,美丽的知名写手和电台心理医生索妮·布雷克(萝丝·麦克格温 Rose McGowan 饰)遭遇了人生中的一大悲剧,她孤独居住在大城市郊外的父亲酒后跌落地下室,尸体很久后才被发现。经历了一年的情感与事业沉浮,索妮搬到了父亲位于紫檀巷的空房子。这里远离大都会的喧嚣,让他疲累的心灵得到纾缓。可是好景不长,某天索妮在做完晚间节目后回到家中,却发现有人闯入的痕迹。骚扰她的似乎是当地一个报童,那名俊朗切担着一股阴冷气息的少年之后又闯进了索妮的地下室。 种种迹象表明,索妮父亲的死亡与着千丝万缕的联系。她的生活被引入了一场噩梦之中……
After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's
A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to speak. However, she soon discovers that her daughter has c
Students who are faced with completing their seven-year-long degree program or staying one night in an infamous haunted house to graduate early, some students pay for their decision with the ultimate sacrifice…