When his housemate dies under mysterious circumstances, Nic Cross inherits a mysterious pyramid-shaped contraption left at the scene, unwittingly summoning a cult of wolf-people who dwell in the dark underbelly of London. As Nic's path crosses wi
The story of a group of teenagers in small town Texas who unleash a deadly force after playing the famous game in an abandoned house where a grisly massacre once took place.
西蒙·佩吉饰演一个从儿童文学转向犯罪小说写作的作家杰克,为了写作一个名为《几十年的死亡》(Decades of Death)的剧本,天生胆小的杰克开始调查一些维多利亚时期连环杀手的资料,导致自己患上严重的妄想症,总是臆想自己会遭到谋杀。就在杰克生活搞得一团糟的时候,一个神秘的好莱坞片商却对他写出的剧本表示出极大的兴趣。
When a group of ghost hunters investigate the infamous Jericho Manor, they soon realise it's not just ghosts that go bump in the night! As people get murdered, the survivors need to discover who or what's killing them before it'
佛罗里达沼泽里,巨蟒的数量激增,威胁到短吻鳄的生存。一个激进的动物保护主义者(女性)将大量蟒蛇偷运到佛罗里达沼泽放生,引起了一个森林巡逻队员(也是女性)的强烈不满。这个巡逻队员历来主张保护短吻鳄。当矛盾激化时,一场蟒蛇战鳄鱼的好戏上演了。Syfy 宣布下一部B级怪兽电影《巨蟒大战恐鳄》(Mega Python Vs Gatoroid)将于1月29日播出。故事描述一个动物保护主义者偷偷将宠物商店里的缅甸巨蟒放入佛罗里达沼泽地里,破坏了当地的生态平衡。为了保护自己喜爱的短吻鳄,当地的护林员给它们注射激素,导致