A escaped prisoner kills the wife and son of a former sheriff, Matt Austin, who sent him to jail long ago. Austin rides in pursuit and locates his quarry in a small town saloon. During the ensuing gunfight, an innocent bystander is shot and the murderer e
Dan Barnes是前职业拳击手,因为对于暴力的厌倦而退休。现在,他是学校清洁工,并帮助学校一个总被欺负的学生。马修米尔是个书呆子,她的妈妈非常厌恶拳击的暴力与血腥,而丹尼尔在长期单亲家庭及母亲的溺爱下,软弱怕事,作为一名新生,他经常遭到学校的洲际拳击冠军的欺负,他在清洁工Dan的帮助下,克服层层困难学习拳击,并且在不久的学校拳击比赛中给予Hector Torres数记重拳,虽然最终还是负于Hector Torres,但马修还是战胜了自己,赢得了信心。