电影描写托马斯与美国诗人约翰·马尔科姆·布林宁(John Malcolm Brinnin,1916-1998)的交往。后者亦曾与杜鲁门·卡波特、田纳西·威廉斯等人交友,1955年出版了《狄兰·托马斯在美国》(Dylan Thomas in America)一书,记录他请托马斯访美、陪他巡游的过程,沿途深为大诗人不停歇的醉酒和各种反常行为所苦。这是关于英国诗人迪伦·托马斯(Dylan Thomas)的半自传电影,今年也正是这位诗人的一百周年诞辰。迪伦·托马斯的诗作受到现代主义的诗歌和浪漫主义传统的双重影响,
When a favored incumbent suddenly suspends his candidacy for Congress, an embittered but brilliant campaign strategist is lured out of retirement and convinces Reverend Dave Hill to run for office. The race pits them both against formidable opponents from
The story of a group of teenagers in small town Texas who unleash a deadly force after playing the famous game in an abandoned house where a grisly massacre once took place.
Art as propaganda and propaganda as art: Joseph Goebbels understood early on that film is an important weapon of ideological warfare. The images that resulted continue to shape our perception of the Nazi era today. FÜHRER UND VERFÜHRER pulls back the curt