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神探阿蒙 第一季
  妻子的死让警探艾德里安(托尼·夏尔赫布 Tony Shalhoub 饰)的生活跌落到了谷底,不久之后,常常陷入悲痛之中的艾德里安患上了强迫症。强迫症令艾德里安在警局里无处容身,很快,他便丢掉了工作
神奇兵营42 第二季
  Bluestone 42, the critically acclaimed BBC Three comedy drama series about a bomb disposal unit in
神奇兵营42 第一季
  《神奇兵营42》是关于一群士兵的一个系列。尽管他们的生命因拆除隐藏着的炸弹而时刻充满危险,却依然热爱士兵生活,分享同志间的快乐,喜爱互相开开玩笑。故事由Richard Hurst(应招女郎的秘密日
神父特德 第一季
  英国Channel4制作爱尔兰背景神职题材经典喜剧,爱尔兰著名喜剧艺人Dermot Morgan主演,Morgan在第3季制作完成后不久即因心脏病英年早逝,此剧也因此过早划上句号。第1,3季均荣获
  4集剧《游戏规则 Rules of the Game》由Ruth Fowler执笔,Maxine Peake已加盟剧组。当人力资源总监Maya来到「Fly」时,她试图改变公司的小圈子文化及调查不当
  Which is part of a larger, overall content and brand alliance between Wheelhouse and Hype House, w
  Hannah Stern makes the risky decision to leave her family firm for a competitor in a steamy legal
生活与贝斯 第一季
  这部由Amy自编自导自演的喜剧早前获得了10集的预订。这是她自Comedy Central的剧集完结之后,所接下的首个常规电视项目。  Amy饰演的“Beth”,似乎过着令许多人羡慕的生活:她的成
  故事灵感来源于厨师、作家及电视节目主持人Julia Child的非凡人生,以及她具有开创性的电视节目《法兰西厨师》。通过Julia和她乐观敢闯的态度,本剧将探索美国历史上一个不断发展的时期:公共电
  “The Afterparty” is a murder-mystery comedy set at a high school reunion afterparty. Each of the e
诺妞的奢华喜剧 第一季
  It's safe to say Luxury Comedy is quite unlike anything else on television - it's a merry
少女妈妈 第二季
  Laura and Jamie continue their tentative and unexpected journey into parenthood.
少女妈妈 第一季
  "BBC Three comedy series, set in Edinburgh, about two young teenagers who are having a baby t
杀手之心 第一季
  An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the actio
杀手之心 第三季
  该剧为BBC在2001—2003年间播出的一套以谋杀案为主题的系列剧,由Anthony Horowitz担任创造者,共三季23集,每集一个主角,讲述的故事会涉及至少一起谋杀案,有的故事在一开始就告
杀手之心 第二季
  该剧为BBC在2001—2003年间播出的一套以谋杀案为主题的系列剧,由Anthony Horowitz担任创造者,共三季23集,每集一个主角,讲述的故事会涉及至少一起谋杀案,有的故事在一开始就告
骇人命案事件簿 第十季
  Barnaby and DS Ben Jones investigate the death of Simon Bright who is found dead inside an old Wor
骇人命案事件簿 第九季
  Deserted for years, an historically significant house is coveted by a number of people: a yuppie c
骇人命案事件簿 第八季
  Barnaby and DS Scott investigate the murder of Patrick Pennyman, an undertaker in the village of F
骇人命案事件簿 第七季
  A cave in of a local canal tunnel under restoration reveals the skeletons of eight individuals. Wh
骇人命案事件簿 第六季
  When two bodies are discovered by the side of a fishing stream, Barnaby and Troy have yet more mur
骇人命案事件簿 第五季
  Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barna
骇人命案事件簿 第四季
  Garden of Death—One of the most beautiful spots in the county becomes a source of contention.  Des
骇人命案事件簿 第三季
  Death of a Stranger—When a tramp dies fleeing from fox hunters, the investigation uncovers a trail
骇人命案事件簿 第二季
  Death’s Shadow—A string of bizarre murders leads to the discovery of a long-buried secret.  Strang
骇人命案事件簿 第一季
  《骇人命案事件簿》是英国独立电视台制作的一部长青推理电影集,取材于英国当代推理小说家Caroline Graham的作品,截至2010年为止共拍摄十三季81集。该剧以总督察Tom Barnaby以
骇人命案事件簿 第十五季
  When Bentham DeQuetteville falls to his death from a roof after seeing a headless horseman, his ar
骇人命案事件簿 第十四季
  New DCI John Barnaby arrives in Midsomer and is bemused by the quaint villages and their quirky re
骇人命案事件簿 第十三季
  Tom Barnaby joins the Causton Chamber of Commerce trip to Brighton as he is suspicious of dodgy ma
骇人命案事件簿 第十二季
  Bullying snob Alistair Kingslake is killed with a golf iron at the Whiteacres golf club. After ano
骇人命案事件簿 第十一季
  A 90 years long feud between two families, the Hicks and the Hammonds, appears to have escalated t
  Chris是一名利物浦应急响应警员,负责夜间巡逻。他是一个危机重重、道德感模糊,且不走寻常路的人。  Chris在自己的个人生活和工作中都尽力避免麻烦,但现在被迫和新来的菜鸟Rachel做搭档。两
三个侦探 第一季
  英国ABC摄制的经典间谍剧集The Avengers在整个60年代红极一时,风靡英语世界,时至今日仍然吸引着世界各地无数的拥趸,成为和The Prisoner、Doctor Who等齐名的老牌英国
  Comedy sitcom set in a small English village during the first world war. It follows three young me
  气质英刑侦剧。当一名警察发现一名被近距离射杀的男子的尸体,他很快意识到这名受害者是harvey Wratten,英国最大犯罪组织的头目。Wratten的死亡案件被分配给了DI Jonah Gabr
  Touching Evil is a 1997 British television drama serial, produced by Anglia Television and screene
雀起乡到烛镇 第四季
  Robert is working in Oxford and sending money home whilst Ruby Pratt has returned from Pontefract
雀起乡到烛镇 第三季
  A journalist, Daniel Parish, arrives in Lark Rise with news that Emma Timmins is set to inherit a
雀起乡到烛镇 第二季
  When Dorcas and Emma each want to give Laura the same gift for Christmas, an old family wound is o
雀起乡到烛镇 第一季
  故事发生在19世纪末一座位于牛津郡的小小村庄里。劳拉(奥莉薇娅·哈琳安 Olivia Hallinan 饰)的母亲即将临盆,为了给新生儿挪地方,家人们决定将劳拉送到隔壁镇的邮局工作,由居住在那里的
  In 1997, four kids vanish in Silverpoint Woods. 23 years later, one boy tries to find out what hap
  A recently retired English professor discovers a real knack for investigation and cannot help but