After the suicide of her only friend, Rachel has never felt more on the outside. The one person wh
在未来的某一天,地球上除了Phil Miller,好像就没有别人了?! Phil到处搜寻其他幸存者却一无所获,但无论如何他都不会放弃,因为他坚信自己不是一个人。如果有一天他终于遇见了她,那就太妙
A woman suffering from amnesia pieces together the events that led to her father's suicide, on
A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help
如果突然有一天,当你打开电子邮件收件箱时,一瞬间你的脑子里记下了那一闪而过的所有国际机密,对你来说是上天的眷顾亦或是噩梦的开始呢?至少对于 Chuck来说这是他新生活的开始。一个电脑天才却只能在超
Jo Yang, a celebrity radio guest, receives a phone call while on air and sets in motion a series o