Ollie Dee and Stanley Dum try to borrow money from their employer, the toymaker, to pay off the mo
A cocky guy joins the Navy for the wrong reason but finds romance and twice is cited for heroism.
Evelyn Prentice is the respected wife of a high-profile New York attorney. Despite the prestige an
In the Mohave Desert, Olga runs a gas station, lunch counter, and auto camp with her younger siste
20世纪30年代,东京银座。咖啡馆女招待岛杉子(忍節子 饰)和中根袈裟子(香取千代子 饰)是一对亲密无间的好朋友。杉子与原田(結城一朗 饰)相恋多时,已经到了谈婚论嫁的地步。某天,杉子无意中被一辆
天涯一身的喜八(坂本武 饰)带着戏班子在全国各地巡回演出,这一次他们来到了某个乡村。戏班子的表演在当地颇受欢迎,然而天公不作美,接连数日的大雨让他们的演出泡了汤。大家百无聊赖熬日子,喜八似乎不以为