金波医生(Harrison Ford 饰)的妻子在家中被人谋杀,虽然金波当晚撞见独臂凶手并与之搏斗,但是凶手终于逃走,金波本人却因种种不利证据被判定为谋杀罪。在押解前往监狱的途中,一名犯人试图逃脱
BOYS is a story about two best friends on the first day of summer. Set in 1999, Brian sleeps over
DEBUT is about Philip who dreams of becoming a model. At a casting he gets the chance to be photog
Umut, a young man who is mute but not deaf, finds out that his mother has been meeting with a stra
8-year old Oskar lives in a family-run children's home. Every day he escapes to the world of h
卡尼古拉是罗马帝国最荒淫,残暴的皇帝之一。这部史诗般的大制作影片描述了这位暴君从杀父篡位到死于乱戟之下的短暂一生,和其中所犯下的种种罪恶和荒淫。影片由意大利著名导演Tinto Brass执导,演员
The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After ser