《女孩的世界》是一部青年浪漫电影,导演Ahn Jung Min于去年凭借The Dream of One Summer Night剧本获得了第5届KT International Smartphone Award剧本奖。这次的电影讲述了三名女高中生在准备戏剧《罗密欧与茱丽叶》的过程中命运一般的相聚与吸引。
Giacomo Casanova's great love Lucia leaves Italy for Amsterdam. When they meet again, she has reinvented herself as a veiled courtesan. As the former lovers reignite their passion, Lucia keeps her true identity a secret.
简介: 《女孩的世界》是一部青年浪漫电影,导演Ahn Jung Min于去年凭借The Dream of One Summer Night剧本获得了第5届KT International Smartphone Award剧本奖。这次的电影讲述了三名女高中生在准备戏剧《罗密欧与茱丽叶》的过程中命运一般的相聚与吸引。